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Established in 1641

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Dunoon Grammar School has a very long and distinguished history spanning over 350 years of growth, of which high standards of academic and personal development have been the hallmarks. 

The aims of a school are continually under review, and at present we would hope that, within the resources of the school and of the community, the school will attempt

  1. To provide an atmosphere where learning takes place, and staff and students work together harmoniously and productively.
  2. To ensure that all pupils are educated according to their age, aptitude and ability. Work will be designed to provide opportunities for pupils to fulfil their potential and enjoy success. Targets which are set therefore are realistic and while they will never be easily reached, they will never be impossible.
  3. To provide a school experience which will lead students to be good participative members of modern society, with a positive commitment to social and cultural equality.
  4. To provide an education which will lead students to be useful well adjusted members of a rapidly changing economy.