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Established in 1641

Scientific Studies

Course Description

Scientific Studies is one of the subjects delivered by the Science Faculty. The aim of this course is to provide pupils with a broad experience of Science by providing coverage of appropriate level 3/4 experiences and outcomes. This course is particularly useful for pupils who require more time to master and consolidate the science concepts and skills covered in S1/S2 before they move onto discrete sciences. The course aims to offer a wide variety of different science topics delivered in a fun and engaging environment.


Course Assessment

Knowledge and skills will be assessed in a variety of ways. This will include experimental and investigation work, projects, class discussions/presentations, written responses and homework. Pupils will undertake both self and peer evaluation of classwork and use these forms of assessment to set achievable short term targets.

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Progression and Careers

Pupils will be able to progress to National Qualifications at National 3 or National 4 in Science in S4.

Possible careers where Biology is useful or essential include, Medicine, Dentistry, Forensics, Agriculture, Sports Science, Physiotherapy, Veterinary Work, Environmental Health, Fisheries, Occupational Therapy and Radiography.

Scientific Studies

Course Description Scientific Studies is one of the subjects delivered by the Science Faculty. The aim of this course is to provide pupils with a

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