Telephone: 01369 705010

Established in 1641


Course Overview

“Tha ar sealladh ann an DGS, co-shìnte le feallsanachd Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig, is e sin an t-amas gum faigh gach sgoilear na buannachdan à dà-chànanas tro chothroman ionnsachaidh iongantach.
Thathar a toirt a-steach an cothrom taic a thoirt dhaibh tuigse fhaighinn air an eachdraidh-san; am fèin-aithne aca fhèin a chruthachadh agus farsaingeachd de sgilean a leasachadh tro chothroman ionnsachaidh tarraingeach agus sònraichte agus a bhios a’ tairgsinn iomadh chothroman thar foghlam agus gam fàilteachadh do choimhearsnachd bhlàth.”
“We in DGS, have a vision in line with the Gaelic Medium Education rationale, which is the aim to provide pupils to accrue all the benefits of bilingualism through a truly unique experience.
This includes supporting pupils to understand their history; create their own personal identity and develop a range of skills through engaging and special learning experiences which will offer them a wide range of opportunities beyond education and allow them to be a part of warm and welcoming community.”


Miss Kellow – Secondary Teacher of Gaelic


Galic Education Award WINNER 2022

Young Gaelic Ambassador 2023

Gaelic Education Award FINALIST 2023


Course Overview “Tha ar sealladh ann an DGS, co-shìnte le feallsanachd Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig, is e sin an t-amas gum faigh gach sgoilear

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