Telephone: 01369 705010

Established in 1641

English – National 4

The Senior Phase – S4 Course Organisation

All National 4 units are internally assessed on a pass/fail basis within centres. To achieve the National 4 English course, learners must pass all of the required units, including the Added Value Unit. National 4 courses are not graded.

National 4

Analysis and Evaluation
Learners will develop the skills needed to understand, analyse and evaluate literature, language and media texts

Creation and Production
Learners will develop the skills needed to create and produce straightforward texts in both written and oral forms

The purpose of this unit is to develop learners’ reading, writing, listening and talking skills in a variety of forms relevant for learning, life and work. Learners also develop the ability to communicate ideas orally and in writing with technical accuracy.Added Value Unit

The purpose of this Added Value Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their language skills: learners research a topic of their choice and present their findings in either a written or oral presentation.


To achieve the National 5 English course, learners must pass all of the required units including an external assessment and a portfolio of writing. Passes at National 5 will be graded A-C.